Sean Oesch, Robert A Bridges, Miki Verma, Brian Weber, Oumar Diallo
Proceedings of the 14th Cyber Security Experimentation and Test Workshop
Whether testing intrusion detection systems, conducting training exercises, or creating data sets to be used by the broader cybersecurity community, realistic user behavior is a critical component of a cyber range. Existing methods either rely on network level data or replay recorded user actions to approximate real users in a network. Our work produces generative models trained on actual user data (sequences of application usage) collected from endpoints. Once trained to the user’s behavioral data, these models can generate novel sequences of actions from the same distribution as the training data. These sequences of actions are then fed to our custom software via configuration files, which replicate those behaviors on end devices. Notably, our models are platform agnostic and could generate behavior data for any emulation software package. In this paper we present our model generation process, software …
S Oesch, RA Bridges, M Verma, B Weber, O Diallo - Proceedings of the 14th Cyber Security …, 2021