Athanasios Theologis, Joseph R Ecker, Curtis J Palm, Nancy A Federspiel, Samir Kaul, Owen White, Jose Alonso, Hootan Altafi, Rina Araujo, Cheryl L Bowman, Shelise Y Brooks, Eugen Buehler, April Chan, Qimin Chao, Huaming Chen, Rosa F Cheuk, Christina W Chin, Mike K Chung, Lane Conn, Aaron B Conway, Andrew R Conway, Todd H Creasy, Ken Dewar, Patrick Dunn, Pelin Etgu, Tamara V Feldblyum, JiDong Feng, Betty Fong, Claire Y Fujii, John E Gill, Andrew D Goldsmith, Brian Haas, Nancy F Hansen, Beth Hughes, Lucas Huizar, Jonathan L Hunter, Jennifer Jenkins, Chanda Johnson-Hopson, Shehnaz Khan, Elizabeth Khaykin, Christopher J Kim, Hean L Koo, Irina Kremenetskaia, David B Kurtz, Andrea Kwan, Bao Lam, Stephanie Langin-Hooper, Andrew Lee, Jeong M Lee, Catherine A Lenz, Joycelyn H Li, YaPing Li, Xiaoying Lin, Shirley X Liu, Zhaoying A Liu, Jason S Luros, Rama Maiti, Andre Marziali, Jennifer Militscher, Molly Miranda, Michelle Nguyen, William C Nierman, Brian I Osborne, Grace Pai, Jeremy Peterson, Paul K Pham, Michael Rizzo, Timothy Rooney, Don Rowley, Hitomi Sakano, Steven L Salzberg, Jody R Schwartz, Paul Shinn, Audrey M Southwick, Hui Sun, Luke J Tallon, Gabriel Tambunga, Mitsue J Toriumi, Christopher D Town, Teresa Utterback, Susan Van Aken, Maria Vaysberg, Valentina S Vysotskaia, Michelle Walker, Dongying Wu, Guixia Yu, Claire M Fraser, J Craig Venter, Ronald W Davis
Nature Publishing Group UK
The genome of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana has five chromosomes,. Here we report the sequence of the largest, chromosome 1, in two contigs of around 14.2 and 14.6 megabases. The contigs extend from the telomeres to the centromeric borders, regions rich in transposons, retrotransposons and repetitive elements such as the 180-base-pair repeat. The chromosome represents 25% of the genome and contains about 6,850 open reading frames, 236 transfer RNAs (tRNAs) and 12 small nuclear RNAs. There are two clusters of tRNA genes at different places on the chromosome. One consists of 27 tRNAPro genes and the other contains 27 tandem repeats of tRNATyr-tRNATyr-tRNASergenes. Chromosome 1 contains about 300 gene families with clustered duplications. There are also many repeat elements, representing 8% of the sequence.