Donald AP Bundy, Nilanthi de Silva, Susan Horton, George C Patton, Linda Schultz, Dean T Jamison, Amina Abubakara, Amrita Ahuja, Harold Alderman, Nicolas Allen, Laura Appleby, Elisabetta Aurino, Peter Azzopardi, Sarah Baird, Louise Banham, Jere Behrman, Habib Benzian, Sonia Bhalotra, Zulfiqar Bhutta, Maureen Black, Paul Bloem, Chris Bonell, Mark Bradley, Sally Brinkman, Simon Brooker, Carmen Burbano, Nicolas Burnett, Tania Cernuschi, Sian Clarke, Carolyn Coffey, Peter Colenso, Kevin Croke, Amy Daniels, Elia De la Cruz, Damien de Walque, Anil Deolaikar, Lesley Drake, Lia Fernald, Meena Fernandes, Deepika Fernando, Günther Fink, Rae Galloway, Aulo Gelli, Andreas Georgiadis, Caroline Gitonga, Boitshepo Giyosa, Paul Glewwe, Joseph Gona Nzovu, Amber Gove, Natasha Graham, Brian Greenwood, Elena Grigorenko, Cai Heath, Joan Hamory Hicks, Melissa Hidrobo, Kenneth Hill, Tara Hill, T Deirdre Hollingsworth, Elissa Kennedy, Imran Khan, Josephine Kiamba, Jane Kim, Michael Kremer, D Scott LaMontagne, Zohra Lassi, Ramanan Laxminarayan, Jacqueline Mahon, Lu Mai, Sebastián Martínez, Sergio Meresman, Katherine A Merseth, Edward Miguel, Arlene Mitchell, Sophie Mitra, Anoosh Moin, Ali Mokdad, Daniel Mont, Arindam Nandi, Joaniter Nankabirwa, Daniel Plaut, Elina Pradhan, Rachel Pullan, Nicola Reavley, Joan Santelli, Bachir Sarr, Susan M Sawyer
The Lancet
The realisation of human potential for development requires age-specific investment throughout the 8000 days of childhood and adolescence. Focus on the first 1000 days is an essential but insufficient investment. Intervention is also required in three later phases: the middle childhood growth and consolidation phase (5–9 years), when infection and malnutrition constrain growth, and mortality is higher than previously recognised; the adolescent growth spurt (10–14 years), when substantial changes place commensurate demands on good diet and health; and the adolescent phase of growth and consolidation (15–19 years), when new responses are needed to support brain maturation, intense social engagement, and emotional control. Two cost-efficient packages, one delivered through schools and one focusing on later adolescence, would provide phase-specific support across the life cycle, securing the gains of …