Miriam Gamboa-Ramos, Ricardo Gómez-Noa, Orlando Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Michael Cabanillas-Carbonell, José Luis Herrera Salazar
Science and Information Organization
Education has taken a big turn due to the current health situation, and as a result the use of technology has become a great ally of education, achieving important benefits. Augmented reality is being used by teachers and students especially in distance and/or face-to-face learning through didactic learning, self-instruction and the promotion of research. This article shows the development and influence of a mobile application with augmented reality that serves as a reinforcement for the learning of Science and Technology in students of sixth grade of Primary and first year of Secondary School. The Mobile D methodology is used during the development process of the application, the research design is Pre-Experimental since the Pre-Test and Post-Test tests are performed to a single group of students being the total of 30, obtaining as final result the increase in the level of interest of the students to 100%, in the level of understanding there was an improvement of 50% and the level of satisfaction is maintained in a range of 40% satisfaction and very satisfied of 60%, which implies that the application helps them to improve their learning.