Ataberk Olgun, Fatma Bostanci, Geraldo Francisco de Oliveira Junior, Yahya Can Tugrul, Rahul Bera, Abdullah Giray Yaglikci, Hasan Hassan, Oguz Ergin, Onur Mutlu
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
Modern computing systems access data in main memory at coarse granularity (e.g., at 512-bit cache block granularity). Coarse-grained access leads to wasted energy because the system does not use all individually accessed small portions (e.g., words, each of which typically is 64 bits) of a cache block. In modern DRAM-based computing systems, two key coarse-grained access mechanisms lead to wasted energy: large and fixed-size (i) data transfers between DRAM and the memory controller and (ii) DRAM row activations.
We propose Sectored DRAM, a new, low-overhead DRAM substrate that reduces wasted energy by enabling fine-grained DRAM data transfer and DRAM row activation. To retrieve only useful data from DRAM, Sectored DRAM exploits the observation that many cache blocks are not fully utilized in many workloads due to poor spatial locality. Sectored DRAM predicts the words in a cache …
A Olgun, F Bostanci, G Francisco de Oliveira Junior… - ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code …, 2024