Karl K Szpunar, Sushmita Shrikanth, Daniel L Schacter
The psychology of thinking about the future
The Guildford Press New York, NY
The contents of the present volume demonstrate that the topic of future-thinking, often referred to as prospection (Gilbert & Wilson, 2007), has made a significant impact in the fields of psychology and neuroscience. However, there are many ways in which people are able to think about the future. On a daily basis, people think about and evaluate possible encounters with colleagues, family members, romantic partners, and even their future selves; form intentions to deliver messages, take prescribed medications, and pick up miscellaneous items at the convenience store; and plan daily routines, vacations, and savings strategies for retirement (see D’Argembeau, Renaud, & Van Der Linden, 2011). Despite the vast diversity in ways in which people think about the future, we recently proposed that prospective cog-nition can be organized into four basic modes of future-thinking (Szpunar, Spreng, & Schacter, 2014): simulation (construction of a detailed mental representation of the future), prediction (estimation of the likelihood of, and/or one’s reaction to, a particular future outcome), intention (the mental act of setting a goal), and planning (the identification and organization of steps toward achieving a goal state). In addition to proposing that prospection can be parsed into four distinct cat-egories, our framework also holds that these modes of future-thinking can vary in terms of their representational contents. Specifically, the framework relates simula-tion, prediction, intention, and planning to two well-characterized types of memory or knowledge: episodic and semantic (Tulving, 2002). In this context, the term episodic is meant to refer to simulations …
KK Szpunar, S Shrikanth, DL Schacter - The psychology of thinking about the future, 2018