Fajar Masya, Hendra Prastiawan, Yana Sukmana
PT. BSI is the IT service provider company which was established in 1996 in Jakarta, Indonesia, with more than 100 employees who are involved in relationships with customers. Being one of the subsidiaries of Mitsubishi Corporation, a global business and our knowledge network located from USA (MI-BS), Brazil (MC1), Tokyo (ITF) Shanghai (I-Vision), and Thailand (Ictus). In terms of serving customers who use IT services provided by PT BSI, some difficulties still faced today by PT BSI. Some of the difficulties being experienced are not yet any application that can record every incoming reports, applications that can help PT. BSI in monitoring the disturbance which often reported by users of IT services. The other difficulty is processes used do not meet the requirements of international standards. With a building the supporting application for PT. BSI, it is expected that PT. BSI can record any incoming problem reports, can monitor the amount of disruption and processes used are in accordance with international standards in this case is based on the ITIL framework.