Simon Klakegg
University of Oulu
This thesis explores the use of assistive in-situ technologies for formal caregivers in nursing homes. More specifically, focus is placed on improving context awareness and medication management. Although these topics have previously been researched for elderly care in general, few solutions targeting nursing homes have been generated. As the aging population further increases the burden on this care environment, it is important that solutions are found to help maintain care quality.
The main findings in this thesis emphasise how technology can assist formal caregivers and facilitate increased patient wellbeing. The articles presented in this thesis describe our creation of a context-aware sensor system (named CARE) and a non-expert miniaturised near-infrared spectroscopy (MNIRS) solution. Both systems were designed iteratively with the help of nurses and were evaluated in a nursing home. CARE quantifies elderly residents’ behaviour, analyses the resulting data and produces valuable and actionable insights for nurses. Results from a two-month-long user study demonstrate that the system can facilitate increased awareness of patients’ needs and enhance care service. The custom MNIRS solution allows nurses to scan pharmaceuticals and obtain accurate identifications. This method significantly outperforms currently available tools in nursing homes and represents a promising solution that can reduce medication mismanagement.
In the discussion section of the thesis, we revisit the research questions defined in the introduction and examine how each were answered. In addition, we discuss the augmentation of nursing home …