Subhajit Adhikari, Sunil Karforma
International Conference on Network Security and Blockchain Technology
Springer Nature Singapore
When data travels through an insecure medium, security must be enforced. The confidentiality of the exchanged data must be guaranteed with the help of encryption techniques. Selective encryption is a very powerful tool for encrypting textual data in a resource constrained environment. In the context of e-governance, textual data is very important and must be protected from any kind of security threat using selective text encryption. In this paper, a fast and efficient selective encryption technique based on an RSA asymmetric key encoding approach is presented. After fetching the whole textual information in the encryption phase, the user will search for a particular word or phrase using regular expression. After that, the selected data will be encrypted using the RSA-1024-bit algorithm and written to a new encoded document with the remaining text data. In the phase of decoding the data, only the encoded text of the …
S Adhikari, S Karforma - International Conference on Network Security and …, 2023