Innocent Chigozie Osuizugbo, Tope Femi Okuntade
Covenant Journal of Research in the Built Environment
Conflict is a natural phenomenon among people, groups, and organisations. Due to the unique and complex nature with different parties, conflict is inescapable in most construction projects. These complexities and unsure nature of construction projects need effective stakeholder management approaches to contain conflicting stakeholder interests and to build coexistence among construction and ensure attainment of overall organisational goal. Little consideration has been given to stakeholders’ conflict management strategies in construction project delivery. This study seeks to investigate stakeholders’ conflict management practices in the construction project delivery using Lagos as the study area. The study adopted survey research method. Questionnaires were distributed to the targeted population. A total of 192 respondents’ data were found to be valid and appropriate for the analysis which represents 76.8% response rate. Data obtained were analysed using frequency, percentages, mean score, ranking, spearman rank correlation and ANOVA. The findings of the study revealed that, †œbe aware causes and resultâ€, †œnegotiationâ€, †œtake steps to deal with the causesâ€, †œestablish cooperative goals†and †œmediation†were the most used conflict management strategies in construction project delivery. Likewise, †œabsence of adequate institutional frameworkâ€, †œfear of changeâ€, †œinadequate planning and preparationâ€, †œmisunderstanding and loss†and †œlack of awareness in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) †were agreed to be the major challenges to a conflict management …
IC Osuizugbo, TF Okuntade - Covenant Journal of Research in the Built Environment, 2020