Benjamin Bach, Pierre Dragicevic, Daniel Archambault, Christophe Hurter, Sheelagh Carpendale
Eurographics conference on visualization
We review a range of temporal data visualization techniques through a new lens, by describing them as series of op- erations performed on a conceptual space-time cube. These operations include extracting subparts of a space-time cube, flattening it across space or time, or transforming the cube's geometry or content. We introduce a taxonomy of elementary space-time cube operations, and explain how they can be combined to turn a three-dimensional space-time cube into an easily-readable two-dimensional visualization. Our model captures most visualizations showing two or more data dimensions in addition to time, such as geotemporal visualizations, dynamic networks, time-evolving scatterplots, or videos. We finally review interactive systems that support a range of operations. By introducing this conceptual framework we hope to facilitate the description, criticism and comparison of existing temporal data visualizations, as well as encourage the exploration of new techniques and systems.
B Bach, P Dragicevic, D Archambault, C Hurter… - Eurographics conference on visualization, 2014