Mirza Mohd Shahriar Maswood, Uzzwal Kumar Dey, Md Ashif Uddin, Amit Kumar Ghosh, Md Mainul Islam Mamun, Shamima Sultana Sonia, Abdullah G Alharbi
2021 IEEE 11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC)
In wireless communication, LTE is termed as Long Term Evaluation cellular network. In the previous 3G network, circuit switch and packet switch connections were used. The circuit switch is a very old and difficult circuitry. However, the new LTE network is fully IP based which makes it more convenient to the users and reduces the maintenance cost as well. In this work, we tried to figure out the best cell design by varying different parameters of LTE cellular network for urban, suburban, and rural areas to improve the call quality and coverage area. To achieve this, we tried to reduce the free space path loss. The path losses and signal strength for different areas are calculated and potted in Matlab. The cell is designed using Atoll. The Okumura Hata model and ITU-529 model are used to design the cell and loss calculations are done based on these models. We showed the comparison between these models to give an …