Miguel Sicart
8 of runner that focuses on a schedule and commits to doing it. I always found the sound feedback on the Nike+ application too intrusive. A GPS watch would give me distance and pace data without bothering me. I ended up buying a Nike+ watch, which made me return to that service. Then I realized its failure in making me a habitual runner, even though I did become a habitual runner. In this chapter, I want to explore this paradox, focusing on how gamified systems aspire to help us live a better life and promote good habits, and how their design might not always reflect what is actually needed to develop the virtues of a good life. I understand gamification as the design of services and products with the methods of game design, with the intention of engaging users in ways similar to those of games. 1 And I understand the good life as the philosophical notion of a fulfilling life in which humans practice and develop their …