Miloslava Plachkinova, Au Vo, Ala Alluhaidan
Technology integration is becoming an impetus to everyday lives. This new interconnected world can be found from our most private spaces to the public ones. Smart homes, which is the use of Internet of Things (IoT) within a home, has become the utmost concern in the security and privacy domain. In this paper, we review the current literature from both research and practice and offer five research trends for security and privacy in smart homes: potential for remote security breaches, risks for smart home devices, privacy violations, infrastructure vulnerabilities, and digital forensics challenges. We integrated these five trends in a conceptual model showcasing their roles in the rapidly changing IoT landscape. Combining the trends and smart forensics, we elucidate the bimodal lenses in security and privacy: preventive and investigative. These discussions offer research directions and practitioners’ implications for further development of a safe and secured smart home.