Andre Hanelt, Ilja Nastjuk, Henning Krüp, Matthias Eisel, Carolin Ebermann, Benjamin Brauer, Everlin Piccinini, Björn Hildebrandt, Lutz M Kolbe
Disruptive eco-innovations that replace existing unsustainable modes of transportation could contribute to achieve substantial improvements in environmental sustainability. Electric vehicles (EVs) have the potential to provide a more sustainable means of individual mobility, but, thus far, customer adoption remains relatively low. Following disruptive innovations theory developed by Christensen, the disruptive potential of EVs can be realized if their performance on traditional attributes that customer's value improves. Here, information systems can play a key role. In this paper, we use a large scale (n= 1461) empirical investigation to examine which attributes must be addressed and assess the ability of existing mobile applications (apps) to do so. Our results indicate that apps contribute to a more reliable and convenient EV-user experience. We shed light on the role of apps in connecting the vehicle, the infrastructure and the user and in creating a digital eco-system that enhances the diffusion of EVs.