Riikka-Leena Leskelä, Ira Haavisto, Aki Jääskeläinen, Virpi Sillanpää, Nina Helander, Valtteri Laasonen, Tommi Ranta, Paulus Torkki
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In this project the current state and development needs of knowledge and information management were identified and a model for assessment was developed. When systematically utilized, the model supports continuous development of information and knowledge management. The model is intended to be used to improve the understanding of knowledge and information management, as well as to develop an individual organization’s knowledge and information management practices according to their own needs and goals. This report has been developed based on extensive research of knowledge and information management during 2018 and 2019, in preparation for the implementation of the regional government, health and social services reform. While the benefits of developing knowledge and information management are unquestionable, there is not only one right way for implementation. Different organizations have different needs, depending for example on the industry, the operating environment, and the size of the organization. Key development measures at the national level were identified as; outline goals for knowledge and information management, define classifications and indicators, clarify the division of labor between the national and regional levels, in particular as regards to the development of information management technology and IT architecture. At the regional level, the most important development areas were identified as; definition of goals and objectives, upgrading of IT architecture, and resource allocation towards tasks in data processing and data utilization.