Jia Deng, Jonathan Krause, Alexander C Berg, Li Fei-Fei
As visual recognition scales up to ever larger numbers of categories, maintaining high accuracy is increasingly difficult. In this work, we study the problem of optimizing accuracy-specificity trade-offs in large scale recognition, motivated by the observation that object categories form a semantic hierarchy consisting of many levels of abstraction. A classifier can select the appropriate level, trading off specificity for accuracy in case of uncertainty. By optimizing this trade-off, we obtain classifiers that try to be as specific as possible while guaranteeing an arbitrarily high accuracy. We formulate the problem as maximizing information gain while ensuring a fixed, arbitrarily small error rate with a semantic hierarchy. We propose the Dual Accuracy Reward Trade-off Search (DARTS) algorithm and prove that, under practical conditions, it converges to an optimal solution. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our …