Juan Murcia Delso
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Santa Maria del Mar is an architectural jewel built in only 50 years in a pure and sober Gothic style. Built in the 14th Century, the building includes very interesting structural innovations shared only, among all Gothic construction, by the Barcelona and Mallorca cathedrals. This building is characterized by having 3 naves and no transept, creating a very big internal space due to very slender columns and large span vaults.
The church has experienced some damage in the past due to two earthquakes (1373 and 1428), causing the collapse of some elements: rose window and upper part of one of the towers. Besides this, the structure is not thought to have suffered considerable damages due to past earthquakes. Due to these past damages, to the slender characteristics of the structure and the cultural relevance of this construction, the seismic behaviour of Santa Maria del Mar Church has already been analysed. The previous structural analysis have pointed out that the structure might show only limited seismic strength due to the slenderness of the structural members and the large dimension of its vaults. According to the static nonlinear pushover analysis, the typical bay would be able to stand a ground acceleration of 0.09 g to 0.14 g (depending on the author and method used). However, only slight to moderate damages would be expected in the structure due to the design earthquake in Barcelona.