Julia Hahn, Constanze Scherz
KIT Scientific Publishing
Germany is, with about 82 million inhabitants, the country with the largest population in Europe and covers an area of around 360.000 square kilomertres. It has a population density of about 230 people per square kilometre, making it one of the most densely populated countries in Europe1. It boarders with nine countries and is located in centralrwestern Europe. It maintains a social welfare system including universal health care and laws on environrmental protection as well as universities free of tuition.
After World War II followed a time of rapid reconstruction and development in (Westr) Germany. A lasting period of low inflation and industrial growth lead to a advanced social market economy. Germany is the worlds fourth largr est economy by nominal GDP (an estimated $3, 7 trillion) and ranks fifth acrcording to purchasing power parity ($4, 2 trillion) 2. Despite the social welfare system with redistribution measures, the wealth is distributed relatively unerqual (for European standards), which results in a Gini coefficient (scaled from