Ward van der Schoot, Robert Wezeman, Niels MP Neumann, Frank Phillipson, Rob Kooij
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.00639
Evaluating the performance of quantum devices is an important step towards scaling quantum devices and eventually using them in practice. The great number of available quantum metrics and the different hardware technologies used to develop quantum computers complicate this evaluation. In addition, different computational paradigms implement quantum operations in different ways. We add to the landscape of quantum metrics by extending the Q-score metric of Atos to the Q-score Max-Clique. To our knowledge, this yields the first application-level metric which allows comparison of different paradigms of quantum computing. This metric is evaluated on three different computational quantum paradigms - quantum annealing, gate-based quantum computing, and photonic quantum computing - and the results are compared to those obtained by classical solvers.