Suprihatin Kartoirono, Imam Riadi, Furizal, Ahmad Azhari
People in general find it difficult to determine the transportation route, because to get to one destination there are many alternative paths that must be passed. This study aims to model the search for alternative bus route routes that are faster to produce routes that must be passed. The method used in this study is Improved Breadth first search by modifying BFS so that its performance is improved in producing route search completion. The improved BFS method is basically the same as BFS doing a level-by-level search stop if a false finish point is found. As the experiment above with a starting point of 175 and an end point of 54 the BFS algorithm takes 27 seconds 564 milliseconds, while the Improve BFS algorithm takes 171 milliseconds. The results showed that improved BFS can improve the performance of the BFS method. Research can be a model to be applied to other optimal route finding cases.