Amin Shahraki, Marius Geitle, Øystein Haugen
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technology that is driving the connection of billions of devices around the world. Because these devices are often resource‐constrained and very heterogeneous, this presents unique challenges. To address some of these challenges, new paradigms of Edge and Fog are emerging to bring computational resources of the IoT networks from remote devices like cloud closer to the end‐devices. Mist computing is a new paradigm that attempts to make use of the more resource‐rich nodes that are closer than Edge nodes to end‐users. Since these nodes might have enough resources to host services, execute tasks or even run containers, the utilization of network resources might be improved, and delay reduced by utilizing these nodes. The nodes must, therefore, be assessed to determine which nodes should offer resources to other nodes based on their situation. In this article, a new …