Hao Yu, Xu Sun, Wei Deng Solvang
Advances in Engineering Research
Nova Science Publisher
Lean philosophy originates from automotive industry at the beginning of the 20th century, and it has been under rapid development since 1950s with a great number of successful examples among which Toyota Production System (TPS) is the most famous one. Lean philosophy has been widely used in manufacturing sectors as well as many other industries in order to reduce waste and improve productivity. Several Lean tools, ie, 5S, Just-In-Time, Bottleneck Analysis, SMART Goals, Heijunka, etc., are developed and extensively applied for resolving the operational challenges in different industries. In this Chapter, the implementation of Lean philosophy and Lean tools in coal mining is focused. Mining industry is one of the basic and primary industries serving as the foundation of economic and social development, because it provides raw materials and resources including crude oil, natural gas, coal, copper, iron, etc., for other industries. Coal is one of the most important resources for energy generation and space heating especially in developing countries. However, coal mining has a notorious reputation associated with safety issues and environmental problems. Due to this reason, Lean philosophy and Lean tools are introduced in this chapter as one of the most effective tools for resolving the operational challenges in coal mining industry. Four main challenges including low productivity, low quality, safety issue and environmental challenge are identified as the most important challenges in coal mining industry. In this chapter, the development of Lean philosophy and the operational challenges in coal mining are first introduced briefly, and …