Elizabeth Gidengil, André Blais, Neil Nevitte, Richard Nadeau
UBC Press
Citizens are at the heart of any meaningful definition of democracy. So what does it say about the health of Canadian democracy when fewer citizens are exercising their right to vote and party membership rolls are shrinking? Is an increasingly well-educated citizenry turning away from traditional electoral politics in search of more meaningful forms of democratic engagement? Or is an ever-wider swathe of Canadian society simply disengaging from politics altogether? This volume draws on a rich array of public opinion data to determine how engaged Canadians are in the country's democratic life and which Canadians are most--and least--engaged. Comparisons are made across generations and educational levels, between women and men, and haves and have-nots in Canadian society. Today's Canadians are compared with earlier generations and with the citizens of other established western democracies. The first comprehensive assessment of citizen engagement in Canada, this volume raises challenging questions, not just about the interests and capabilities of Canadians as democratic citizens, but also about the performance of our democratic institutions. This is essential reading for politicians and policy-makers, students and scholars of Canadian politics, and all Canadians who care about the quality of Canadian democracy.