Munir Mandviwalla
Springer Nature
This volume of Springer LNCS (LNCS 14621) contains the accepted research papers of DESRIST 2024, the 19th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology. DESRIST 2024 was held from June 3–5, 2024 at the University West in Trollhättan, Sweden. The theme of the conference was Design Science Research for a Resilient Future.
The world of humans has undergone rapid developments of technological innovation during the recent few decades. Consensus exists around the very fact that our modern ways of living and interacting with humans, organizations, and society is heavily influenced by the implications of digital technologies. At the same time, the challenges of coping with the increasing effect of digital technologies creates incentives for humans, organizations, and society to develop knowledge and skills that make them resilient towards emerging relationships with future digital technologies. The notion of being ‘resilient’is defined differently depending on the research context. In general, resilient people demonstrate flexibility, durability, and attitude of optimism, and openness to learning. Resilience on system and society level is becoming critical, as we face environmental challenges and geopolitical tensions, both of which make the digital systems and communication networks at the same time very important and vulnerable. As such, for this conference, we position the notion of a resilient future as a future where humans might have to develop flexible abilities for adapting, recovering, and sensing change.