Paul Rayson
Computing Department, Lancaster University. http://ucrel. lancs. ac. uk/wmatrix
In this software demonstration, I will introduce Wmatrix, a web-based environment which allows researchers at Lancaster to have local and remote access to some of UCREL’s corpus annotation and retrieval tools. The web browser provides a much simpler interface to these tools than via the UNIX command line. All processing is done on the remote web server so users gain access from any platform that provides a browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer. Tools available in Wmatrix include CLAWS (part-of-speech tagger), SEMTAG (word-sense tagger) and LEMMINGS (a lemmatiser). Wmatrix also provides production of frequency lists, statistical comparison of those lists, and KWIC concordances.
Wmatrix was built during REVERE (Rayson et al, 2000), a UK funded project investigating the extraction of information from software engineering documents. One of the aims of the project was to investigate the use …
P Rayson - … Department, Lancaster University. http://ucrel. lancs. ac …, 2009