Ronald McQuaid, Vanessa Fuertes, Alec Richard
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Joseph Rowntree Foundation>>
Parents start of a cycle of recurrent poverty (exiting poverty and and professionals highlighted some of the problems later falling into it again); or a cycle of low pay/no pay arising from low-paid jobs, such as family stress and (where employment does not pull the household out of demoralisation. [...] (Emily, lone parent with two children, unemployed) The availability, cost and quality of childcare was of benefits and tax credits were insufficient to break a consistent issue for parents of children of all ages, the low-pay/no-pay cycle. [...] The cost of childcare regularly and the slow re-establishment of benefits when made low-paid work financially unviable, even for those people leave paid employment were seen as strong parents receiving the childcare element of the Working disincentives to move from benefits into work, Tax Credit (WTC). [...] • In terms of the childcare element of WTC, the main concerns were that it is …