Elizabeth Mynatt, Jennifer Clark, Greg Hager, Dan Lopresti, Greg Morrisett, Klara Nahrstedt, George Pappas, Shwetak Patel, Jennifer Rexford, Helen Wright, Ben Zorn
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.01920
Our infrastructure touches the day-to-day life of each of our fellow citizens, and its capabilities, integrity and sustainability are crucial to the overall competitiveness and prosperity of our country. Unfortunately, the current state of U.S. infrastructure is not good: the American Society of Civil Engineers' latest report on America's infrastructure ranked it at a D+ -- in need of $3.9 trillion in new investments. This dire situation constrains the growth of our economy, threatens our quality of life, and puts our global leadership at risk. The ASCE report called out three actions that need to be taken to address our infrastructure problem: 1) investment and planning in the system; 2) bold leadership by elected officials at the local and federal state; and 3) planning sustainability and resiliency in our infrastructure. While our immediate infrastructure needs are critical, it would be shortsighted to simply replicate more of what we have today. By doing so, we miss the opportunity to create Intelligent Infrastructure that will provide the foundation for increased safety and resilience, improved efficiencies and civic services, and broader economic opportunities and job growth. Indeed, our challenge is to proactively engage the declining, incumbent national infrastructure system and not merely repair it, but to enhance it; to create an internationally competitive cyber-physical system that provides an immediate opportunity for better services for citizens and that acts as a platform for a 21st century, high-tech economy and beyond.
E Mynatt, J Clark, G Hager, D Lopresti, G Morrisett… - arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.01920, 2017