Andrew A Adams, Hanne Gottliebsen, Stephen Alexander Linton, Ursula Martin
Proceedings of the 1999 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation
\Ve assws the current state of research in the application of coluputcr aidd fbllal rCilsOIliIlg to couqmtrr illgt?~ Jl’? l: ihlld argUC~. llilt f? Ulbdtl (! d VWifiCat. iOll SUppOrt, idlOWS USCI ‘S t. 0 eri, joy its hewfits bvit, liout wwstling wit. 11 1: c? c: llilicalit, ics. We illust, rilte t. llis Claim by considering syuholir defiuitw in-tcgridion, autl prcscnt a Ycrifiable syubolic defiuit, c iIlWglX1 table look up: it systeru which ru, at, cllc! sa (picry comprising il. t1efiuit. c integral with paraulct, crs ant1 sitlo c: onrlit. ious. iqqiiist. au cnt. r\; iu a W! rifiabk tahlc autl uses ac: a. ll to a librarv of leninias almut t. hc ITids in the tlicwrenl prover P\,‘S t. 0 Rid iii th: I; rilIlsfOrnlatiOIl of the tal.) lC cI1t. q iIlt0 it11 Xlsw-er. 11-0 present tlw full model of such il syst~ cul as well ilS a tloscriptiou Of our prototype i~ ll~, leme~ lt, a. tio~~ showiug the efficacy of such a syst. eul: for examplc~ the protol. qv2 is al~ lc I. 0 obtaiu correct. answers in CRSW w-hcrc coinputcr …
AA Adams, H Gottliebsen, SA Linton, U Martin - Proceedings of the 1999 international symposium on …, 1999