Jiahui Jin, Haoxiang Zhang, Wenchao Bai, Xin Lin, Jinghui Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
Identifying strategic groups is crucial for businesses to understand the local competitive landscape and develop successful strategies. With the advancements in location-based services and mobile edge computing, Points of Interest (POI) data and customer visiting data are used to infer competitive relationships. However, existing methods only detect whether competitive relationships exist between pairwise POIs, disregarding the multifaceted nature of business strategies such as price, target consumer, and site selection, which fails to group businesses with similar strategies. To address this issue, we propose EAGLE , a strategic group discovery framework that models business strategies by exploring groupwise POI relationships guided by user demands. Our framework constructs an urban hypergraph that captures various dimensions of high-order competitive relationships among POIs, brands, city regions, and …
J Jin, H Zhang, W Bai, X Lin, J Zhang - IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2024