Nitin Rane, Saurabh Choudhary, Jayesh Rane
Available at SSRN 4644253
The convergence of Blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is exerting a transformative influence, ushering in a new epoch of security and transparency within the financial sector. This amalgamation effectively addresses pivotal challenges faced by conventional financial systems, presenting inventive solutions to heighten efficiency, diminish fraud, and amplify transparency. Blockchain, functioning as a decentralized and tamper-resistant ledger, introduces a paradigm shift in financial transactions. Its capacity to establish an unalterable record of transactions ensures that once data is recorded, it remains impervious to modification, thereby furnishing an unparalleled level of security. This inherent security attribute positions Blockchain as an optimal choice for reinforcing financial systems against cyber threats and fraudulent activities. On the other hand, AI contributes predictive analytics, machine learning, and automation to the forefront of financial operations. The integration of AI in finance enables real-time data analysis, risk assessment, and decision-making, optimizing processes and elevating overall efficiency. When amalgamated with Blockchain, AI augments the precision and dependability of financial data, cultivating a more secure and transparent ecosystem. A pivotal aspect of this integration in finance is the streamlining of Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) processes. The decentralized nature of Blockchain facilitates secure storage of customer data, mitigating the risk of identity theft, while AI algorithms adeptly analyze extensive datasets to pinpoint and flag suspicious activities. This not only …