Nitin Rane, Saurabh Choudhary, Jayesh Rane
This research paper delves into the integration of advanced generative artificial intelligence (AI) models, such as ChatGPT, Bard, and similar architectures, within the realms of architectural design and engineering. The comprehensive study explores various aspects, including applications, frameworks, challenges, and prospective developments in the context of architectural design and architectural engineering. In the domain of architectural design, the paper investigates the transformative impact on Architectural Theory, highlighting how generative AI fosters creativity and innovation in design thinking. The Design Process is scrutinized, showcasing how AI models streamline ideation, iteration, and collaboration among design teams. The role of generative AI in Representation and Visualization is explored, emphasizing its capacity to generate immersive and realistic visualizations. Furthermore, the research examines the influence of generative AI in Interior Design, Urban Design and Planning, and considers nuanced aspects of Cultural and Social factors, elucidating how these technologies contribute to inclusive and context-sensitive design practices. Within the realm of architectural engineering, the study assesses the integration of generative AI in Structural Engineering, demonstrating its potential to optimize and innovate structural analysis and designs for enhanced safety and efficiency. It explores applications in Building Systems and Construction Management, illustrating how AI can streamline project workflows and resource allocation. The impact of generative AI on compliance with Building Codes and Regulations is analyzed …