Amit Lathigara, Paresh Tanna, Nirav Bhatt
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
Computer programming is the essential skill in today’s era and students are learning computer programming from their school education and also for students who have been enrolled in engineering program branches like Computer Engineering and Information Technology, computer programming is the foundation for them. Students following traditional paper-pen based approach for the examinations are having remembering skills and generally these skills become the base for them to clear any examinations. In this study, a series of unique activities are performed in regular sessions and learning outcomes are measured and compared with traditional sessions. Computer programming has been taught by various instructors since many years and as an outcome unique instructional pedagogy evolved from time to time with the help of regular feedback from all the stockholders. Computer programming is interesting and easy to understand if sessions are executed in a unique way through active learning skills. Active learning is also playing a crucial role in this, and hands on sessions helped a lot to achieve course outcomes. Here, to analyse the effect of activity-based programming learning approach for the specified subject, the result of B. Tech.(CE and IT branches) second semester students (AY 2018-19 and 2019-20) are considered with different familiar parameters. Students' feedback is taken at the end of course study. Find the word, crossword, code magnet, half cooking code, long exercise, pool puzzle, troubleshooting, predict the output, match two sides, program analysis are a set of activities tried throughout the course during every …
A Lathigara, P Tanna, N Bhatt - Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 2021