Alok Raj, Varun Sharma, Dhirendra Shukla Mani, Prateek Sharma
Annals of Operations Research
Research and practice emphasize the criticality of supply chain agility in responding to external disruptions. However, many organizations struggled to respond at enhanced speed to the global supply chain shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizations need hyperagile supply chains to survive and remain competitive in an environment characterized by unexpected and sudden disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic. We propose that supply chain hyperagility (SCH) is a distinctive organization-specific capability. It enables organizations to effectively manage demand shocks at extreme speeds and under extreme time pressures. We advance the concept of supply chain hyperagility and establish its antecedents, taking the dynamic capability perspective. This study operationalizes the SCH construct for the first time and investigates its antecedents using structural equation modeling. The results …