Austin Graf, Steven D Rogers, Jeremy Staffa, Usman A Javid, Dana H Griffith, Qiang Lin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.10203
Nonreciprocal optical systems have found many applications altering the linear transmission of light as a function of its propagation direction. Here we consider a new class of nonreciprocity which appears in photon pair correlations and not in linear transmission. We experimentally demonstrate and theoretically verify this nonreciprocity in the second-order coherence functions of photon pairs produced by spontaneous four-wave mixing in a silicon microdisk. Reversal of the pump propagation direction can result in substantial extinction of the coherence functions without altering pump transmission.
A Graf, SD Rogers, J Staffa, UA Javid, DH Griffith, Q Lin - arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.10203, 2021