JW Swift, SH Strogatz, K Wiesenfeld
Dankworth, DC, Sundaresan, S. and Kevrekidis, IG, Infinite-wavelength analysis for two-phase flow: a three parameter computer-assisted study of global bifurcations Daviaud, F., Lega, J., Berg6, P., Coullet, P. and Dubois, M., Spatio-temporal intermittency in a 1D convective pattern: theoretical model and experiments Deissler, RJ and Farmer, JD, Deterministic noise amplifiers Dubrovsky, VG and Konopelchenko, BG, Coherent structures for the Ishimori equation. II. Time-. dependent boundaries
Gershenfeld, NA and Webb, WW, Dimension measurement on high-dimensional systems (3etling, AV, Convection-front propagation'and wavenumber selection Gooding, RJ and Bales, GS, Boosted kink-type solitary waves in nonlinear elastic media Hayashi, N. and Ozawa~ T., On the derivative nonlinear Schr6dinger equation Janiaud, B., Pumir, A., Bensimon, D., Croquette, V., Richter, H. and Kramer, L., The Eckhaus …