Lorraine Eden, Charles Hermann
The New Regionalism in the Americas Page 1 Eden & Hermann, The New Regionalism in the Americas, May 31, 2003 1 Lorraine Eden and Charles Hermann Texas A&M University For presentation at the Teachers Workshop on Globalization International Center, Texas A&M University The New Regionalism in the Americas Page 2 Eden & Hermann, The New Regionalism in the Americas, May 31, 2003 2 I. Introduction Page 3 Eden & Hermann, The New Regionalism in the Americas, May 31, 2003 3 ▪ Economics goes through fads. ▪ “What’s in?” and “What’s out?” changes over time. ▪ What was in → out → back in again is known as the pendulum theory. ▪ Regional integration is an example of the pendulum theory. The Pendulum Theory Page 4 Eden & Hermann, The New Regionalism in the Americas, May 31, 2003 4 ▪ Time Periods ▪ 1960s & 1970s: Regionalism “in”. ▪ 1980s: Regionalism “out”. ▪ 1990s-now: …