David Cruset, Pedro Ramírez-Pérez, Ernest Onetti, Jordi Ibáñez Insa, Miguel López-Blanco, Pau Arbués, Jaume Vergés, Jean-Pierre Sizun, Irene Cantarero, Anna Travé
This study aims the characterization of the sequence stratigraphy, the mineralogy and the thermal properties of deltaic deposits. As a case of study, we focused on the transgressive sequence set of the middle Eocene Cal Padró composite sequence of the Sant Llorenç del Munt fan-delta complex in the eastern Ebro foreland basin, related with the growth of the Catalan Coastal Ranges and the Pyrenees. The Cal Padró composite sequence resulted from the stack of fundamental high-frequency sequences, which arranged in 3-80 m thick transgressive and regressive system tracts made of:1) delta plain channelled sandy-conglomeratic bodies, tabular sandstones and red mudstones; 2) delta front massive, tabular or cross-bedded conglomerates and coarse to fine-grained sandstones; 3) slope/prodelta marlstones, fine to medium tabular sandstones and poorly-sorted conglomerates; and 4) mixed shelf sandy marlstones, nummulitic, bivalve and echinoid packstones and coral and red algae accumulations restricted to transgressive systems tracts. Powder X-ray diffraction analyses of 22 samples indicate that they are composed of variable contents of quartz, calcite, dolomite, phyllosilicates and feldspars. Thermal conductivity measurements indicate that this parameter is controlled by the contents in calcite, dolomite and quartz. Delta plain sandstones and conglomerates display high conductivity values from 3.861 to 4.411 Wm-1K-1, whereas delta front sandstones and conglomerates show much more scattered values from 2.353 to 4.374 Wm-1K-1. Slope sandstones and mixed shelf carbonates display conductivities from 3.383 to 4.849 Wm-1K-1 and …