Tom Van Vuren, Ian Cornwell, Mark Finer, Chris van Hinsbergen, Frank Zuurbier
9th ITS European Congress, Dublin
The ERA-NET ROAD Mobility research project" STEP" implemented short term prediction within traffic management centres to support traffic management decisions and ultimately improve network performance. STEP aimed to establish a better understanding of the operational short term prediction requirements of traffic managers at interurban and urban traffic management centres in Europe. STEP has explored the gaps between the state-of-the-art and requirements of operators in terms of functional application, data requirements, interfacing and the success of existing tools that are used. Central to the project were real-life trials conducted in an operational traffic management centre environment, testing the tools against user requirements while learning valuable (practical) lessons during implementation. This paper reports on the results of the STEP project–lessons learnt about the state-ofthe-art, operational user requirements in terms of short term prediction, and implementing and deploying predictors for live traffic management operations.
T Van Vuren, I Cornwell, M Finer, C van Hinsbergen… - 9th ITS European Congress, Dublin, 2013