Sandeep Kautish, Sheng-Lung Peng, Ahmed J Obaid
Springer International Publishing
Since the beginning of year 2020, human society has been going through a very tough phase globally, that is, an unexpected medical emergency where more than 200 countries of the world have been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19). As of November 25, 2020, 1.4 million people have lost their lives across the world due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The death toll is still climbing. The USA, despite being the most developed country in the world, has already recorded the deaths of more than 260,000 people, which clearly shows that the most developed countries are also unable to control the COVID-19 pandemic. The coronavirus, which is a highly infectious and pathogenic virus, originated from Wuhan in December 2019, travelled the whole of China and spread around the world within 3 months of its origination. Genome analysis of the virus revealed that bats could be the possible reservoirs, which caused the …