Katerina Tsarava, Korbinian Moeller, Niels Pinkwart, Martin Butz, Ulrich Trautwein, Manuel Ninaus
European conference on games based learning
Academic Conferences International Limited
Computational thinking (CT) denotes the idea of developing a generic solution to a problem by decomposing it, identifying relevant variables and patterns, and deriving an algorithmic solution procedure. As a general problem solving strategy, it has been suggested a fundamental cognitive competence to be acquired in education-comparable to literacy and numeracy. However, integrating CT into general curricula has been challenging. Therefore, the current project aims at developing an extra-curricular training of CT for primary school students. From a literature review we identified seven concepts central to CT: i) sequencing, ii) loops, iii) parallelism, iv) events, v) conditionals, vi) operators, and vii) data/variables. In our targeted educational training program, we will specifically address these concepts (which are shared concepts between CT and programming/computer science education) in 2-step procedures using corresponding game-based unplugged and plugged-in activities. Playful unplugged activities, such as a treasure hunt board game for the concept of using variables as placeholders for information, shall allow students getting a first grip on CT processes by actively engaging them. In the game, a treasure is to be hunted by completing a series of arithmetic operations, in which players have to handle different variables (eg, dice faces, scores, etc.). Building on this unplugged activity, a related plugged-in scenario is a programmable simulation of rain drops filling a glass. While raindrop and glass volume are constants, the fill level of the glass may be the variable to manipulate. In both kinds of activities we aim at clarifying the association …
K Tsarava, K Moeller, N Pinkwart, M Butz, U Trautwein… - European conference on games based learning, 2017