Philippe Pringuet, Philippe Vande Wiele, Anthony Friel
IHEC 2021
As part of its self-evaluation review, the School of ICT management team at a Polytechnic University in the Middle East identified the lack of evidence of critical thinking and critical reflection in both documentation and students’ outcomes. This was further highlighted by external course moderation processes. With the view to obtaining international accreditation of its programmes, the school management team developed and implemented a change initiative to update the curriculum. This study evaluates this change initiative. The paper describes the review of this change initiative in the School of ICT with a focus on faculty’s perception on the change initiative under the starting research premise that the steps taken to ensure success of a change initiative (change leadership) are just as important as the actual plan to do so (change implementation). The study further highlights recommendations to the leadership team to overcome immunity to change. This study bases its theoretical framework on literature around the core principles of change management and leadership management. In the literature review, the authors discuss the role of the individual leader in the Kotter (1996) linear 8-steps model (1-Creating a sense of urgency, 2-Building a guiding coalition, 3-Forming a strategic vision and initiatives, 4-Enlisting a volunteer army, 5-Enabling actions by removing barriers, 6-Generating short term wins, 7-Sustaining acceleration and 8-Instituting change), Fullan’s (1982; 2001) three overlapping phases model (initiation, implementation, institutionalisation), and some strategies for success (Fullan, 2006). In particular, the study evaluates how leaders …