R Priyadarshini, Anita Titus, Satyajeet Sahoo, Chiranjeevi Muppala, G Ramkumar, Quyen Anh Pham, S Jaanaa Rubavathy, M Rajasimman, Akbar Hojjati-Najafabadi
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
A strong photosynthetic multifaceted called photosystem I (PS I) successfully catches photons to produce a charge detached phase through a quantum yield. The low latent reductant that is created is dignified at a redox potential that is conducive to H2 development, and this charge detached phase is constant for around 100 ms. By using dithiol as a molecular wire to link Photo System I to the particles and transport electrons as of the incurable electron transport cofactor of Photo System I, towards the nanoparticle, PS I consumes been covalently connected to the surfaces of like as Pt and also Au nanoparticles. The Photosystem I or molecular wire or nanoparticle bio conjugates are capable of catalysing the reaction 2H++ 2e H 2 when illuminated. H 2 development is not slowed down by the transference of electrons from PS I in the direction of the nanoparticle via the molecular wire. The speed of H 2 evolution is …
R Priyadarshini, A Titus, S Sahoo, C Muppala… - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024
G Anitha, R Priyadarshini, A Titus, S Sahoo, C Muppala… - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024