Dominic Vincent Ligot, Emily Jo Vizmonte, Gabriel Soong
Available at SSRN 4599644
The introduction and advancements of technology pursuant to the Fourth Industrial Revolution significantly elevated the risks and challenges associated with managing the potential unethical and malicious adoption or usage of data. This predicament is more pronounced today with the growing recognition for big data as the key to achieving growth in artificial intelligence amidst the various ethical challenges which manifest at the different stages of the data value chain. Data privacy concerns arise during data collection, data ownership becomes an issue during data storage, data discrimination must be considered when developing algorithms and predictive models, and data liabilities need to be managed for every data-driven decision and intervention. These issues, under various technologies and spectrums, are all related to data ethics. Thus, building an ethical data culture is more important than ever before.
DV Ligot, EJ Vizmonte, G Soong - Available at SSRN 4599644, 2022