E Vizmonte, D Ligot
When Digital Trace Becomes Educational Waste: Is there a trade-off between Time Spent on the Internet and Social Media and Educational Performance
Objectives. This paper aims to perceive if there is a trade-off between the time spent on the internet and social media and the educational performance of students, across countries. Specifically, this study intends to determine the relationship between internet usage and educational performance; evaluate the impact of social media usage to educational performance; and predict PISA scores by evaluating data on internet and social media usage.
Methods. The experiment utilizes PISA scores as dependent variable while time spent on internet and social media are the independent variables. Correlation analysis was performed to assess the relationship among the target variables. Linear regression was executed to generate a model that predicts PISA scores using data on time spent on the internet and social media.
Results. The results show a strong inverse relationship between the dependent variable (PISA scores) and the independent variables (time spent on internet and/or social media). Model fitting results using 2018 data show that the variability of the model with time spent on social media as the predictor is significantly higher (62% R-squared) than with time spent on the internet as the predictor (24% R-squared). Highest variance explanation (74% R-squared) is constituted on the model with time spent on both internet and social media as predictors.
E Vizmonte, D Ligot - When Digital Trace Becomes Educational Waste: Is …, 2024