Jyoti Belur, Clare Bentall, Helen Glasspoole Bird, Julian Laufs
University College London
Three factors have encouraged the adoption of more virtual and blended learning (V & BL) approaches in police learning and development in England and Wales: the introduction of degree level entry routes to joining the police as a result of the PEQF; the national Policing Uplift Programme (PUP) which aims to recruit 20,000 new police officers in the next three years between 2020-2023; and the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic which has disrupted normal ways of working-with the last of these being the main catalyst. The net result of these three developments has put tremendous pressure on police learning and development functions in terms of capacity and quality of delivery. It has provided the impetus for a rethink of the way learning is delivered in the 43 police forces in England and Wales.
This research is part of a wider project to increase the capability of police forces to deliver blended learning to recruits and the existing workforce. The focus of the work reported here is to support the delivery of police learning and development (L & D) for recruit officers as well as continued professional development for in-service officers through improved capability to use virtual methods and a blended leaning (BL) approach. The intention is to deliver additional significant opportunities and benefits to police L & D in tandem and over time, creating a valuable legacy.