Aram Hayrapetyan, Armen Tumasyan, Wolfgang Adam, Janik Walter Andrejkovic, Thomas Bergauer, Suman Chatterjee, Konstantinos Damanakis, Marko Dragicevic, Priya Sajid Hussain, Manfred Jeitler, Natascha Krammer, Ang Li, Dietrich Liko, Ivan Mikulec, Jochen Schieck, Robert Schöfbeck, Dennis Schwarz, Mangesh Sonawane, Sebastian Templ, Wolfgang Waltenberger, Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz, Mohamed Rashad Darwish, Tahys Janssen, Pierre van Mechelen, Nordin Breugelmans, Jorgen d'Hondt, Soumya Dansana, Alexandre de Moor, Martin Delcourt, Felix Heyen, Steven Lowette, Inna Makarenko, Denise Müller, Stefaan Tavernier, Michael Tytgat, Gerrit Patrick van Onsem, Senne van Putte, David Vannerom, Barbara Clerbaux, Aloke Kumar Das, Gilles de Lentdecker, Hugues Evard, Laurent Favart, Paraskevas Gianneios, Dmytro Hohov, Johny Jaramillo, Ali Khalilzadeh, Fakhri Alam Khan, Kyeongpil Lee, Mostafa Mahdavikhorrami, Andrea Malara, Santiago Paredes, Laurent Thomas, Max Vanden Bemden, Pascal Vanlaer, Maarten de Coen, Didar Dobur, Gul Gokbulut, Yanwen Hong, Joscha Knolle, Luka Lambrecht, David Marckx, Gianny Mestdach, Kevin Mota Amarilo, César Rendón, Amrutha Samalan, Kirill Skovpen, Niels van den Bossche, Jan van der Linden, Liam Wezenbeek, Anna Benecke, Agni Bethani, Giacomo Bruno, Claudio Caputo, Jerome de Favereau de Jeneret, Christophe Delaere, Izzeddin Suat Donertas, Andrea Giammanco, Ahmet Oguz Guzel, Sandhya Jain, Vincent Lemaitre, Jindrich Lidrych, Paola Mastrapasqua, Tu Thong Tran, Sébastien Wertz, Gilvan Alves, Eduardo Coelho, Carsten Hensel, Thales Menezes de Oliveira, Arthur Moraes, Patricia Rebello Teles, Mariana Soeiro, Antonio Vilela Pereira, Walter Luiz Aldá Júnior, Miguel Alves Gallo Pereira, Mapse Barroso Ferreira Filho, Helena Brandao Malbouisson, Wagner Carvalho, Jose Chinellato, Eliza Melo da Costa, Gustavo Gil da Silveira, Dilson de Jesus Damiao, Sandro Fonseca de Souza, Raphael Gomes de Souza, Matheus Macedo, Jordan Martins, Clemencia Mora Herrera, Luiz Mundim, Helio Nogima, Joao Pedro Pinheiro, Alberto Santoro, Andre Sznajder, Mauricio Thiel, Cesar Augusto Bernardes, Luigi Calligaris, Thiago Tomei, Eduardo de Moraes Gregores, Isabela Maietto Silverio, Pedro G Mercadante, Sergio F Novaes, Breno Orzari, Sandra Padula, Aleksandar Aleksandrov, Georgy Antchev, Roumyana Hadjiiska, Plamen Iaydjiev, Milena Misheva, Mariana Shopova, Georgi Sultanov, Anton Dimitrov, Leander Litov, Borislav Pavlov, Peicho Petkov, Anton Petrov, Elton Shumka, Sumit Keshri, Shalini Thakur, Tongguang Cheng, Tahir Javaid, Li Yuan, Zhen Hu, Zhengchen Liang, Jinfeng Liu, Kai Yi, Guo-Ming Chen, He-Sheng Chen, Mingshui Chen, Fabio Iemmi, Chun-Hua Jiang, Anshul Kapoor
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, delivering proton-proton collisions at much higher energies and far higher luminosities than previous machines, has enabled a comprehensive programme of measurements of the standard model (SM) processes by the CMS experiment. These unprecedented capabilities facilitate precise measurements of the properties of a wide array of processes, the most fundamental being cross sections. The discovery of the Higgs boson and the measurement of its mass became the keystone of the SM. Knowledge of the mass of the Higgs boson allows precision comparisons of the predictions of the SM with the corresponding measurements. These measurements span the range from one of the most copious SM processes, the total inelastic cross section for proton-proton interactions, to the rarest ones, such as Higgs boson pair production. They cover the production of Higgs bosons, top quarks, single and multibosons, and hadronic jets. Associated parameters, such as coupling constants, are also measured. These cross section measurements can be pictured as a descending stairway, on which the lowest steps represent the rarest processes allowed by the SM, some never seen before.