Amitab Bhattacharjee, Vikram Bansal, Mohammad Khairul Islam Juman
Available at SSRN 3782586
Background: In Bangladesh, a significant number of individuals experienced a faux coronavirus test, especially at the profit oriented private hospitals or clinics during the COVID-19 emergency. Therefore, the prime purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of healthcare service faux pas on the mental health of Bangladeshi people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the current study even explored the changes in life satisfaction of Bangladeshi individuals due to the faux SARS-CoV-2 tests in the country. Moreover, the study also dealt with the satisfaction of the people on the healthcare service during the COVID-19 emergency in Bangladesh.
Methodology: The current research was conducted as a descriptive and bi-monthly cross-sectional study and used the snowball sampling technique to collect the survey data in Bangladesh. This study was employed in Dhaka division and Comilla division of Bangladesh between June and July in 2020. In this study, we surveyed 393 Bangladeshi individuals from two divisions of the country. We measured mental & physical health (SF12), depression (PHQ2), anxiety (GAD2), distress (K6), life satisfaction and overall satisfaction on healthcare service. Survey data was analyzed on STATA platform to find the study findings.
Results: This research found that Bangladeshi people experienced lower levels of mental and physical health conditions with the mean (STD) values of 23.1 (6.9) and 37.2 (9.1) respectively. Among the study participants, female individuals (60.05%) were mostly dissatisfied with the COVID-19 emergency healthcare service and dealt with more severe mental and physical …
A Bhattacharjee, V Bansal, MKI Juman - Available at SSRN 3782586, 2021