Claus Pahl, Pooyan Jamshidi
Microservices have recently emerged as an architectural style, addressing how to build, manage, and evolve architectures out of small, self-contained units. Particularly in the cloud, the microservices architecture approach seems to be an ideal complementation of container technology at the PaaS level However, there is currently no secondary study to consolidate this research. We aim here to identify, taxonomically classify and systematically compare the existing research body on microservices and their application in the cloud. We have conducted a systematic mapping study of 21 selected studies, published over the last two years until end of 2015 since the emergence of the microservices pattern. We classified and compared the selected studies based on a characterization framework. This results in a discussion of the agreed and emerging concerns within the microservices architectural style, positioning it within a continuous development context, but also moving it closer to cloud and container technology.