Jingwen Li, Yining Ma, Ruize Gao, Zhiguang Cao, Andrew Lim, Wen Song, Jie Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Existing deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based methods for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) intrinsically cope with a homogeneous vehicle fleet, in which the fleet is assumed as repetitions of a single vehicle. Hence, their key to construct a solution solely lies in the selection of the next node (customer) to visit excluding the selection of vehicle. However, vehicles in real-world scenarios are likely to be heterogeneous with different characteristics that affect their capacity (or travel speed), rendering existing DRL methods less effective. In this article, we tackle heterogeneous CVRP (HCVRP), where vehicles are mainly characterized by different capacities. We consider both min–max and min–sum objectives for HCVRP, which aim to minimize the longest or total travel time of the vehicle(s) in the fleet. To solve those problems, we propose a DRL method based on the attention mechanism with a …